Wednesday 27 February 2013

Charity Shop Shopping

Faux Leather Jacket - New Look
Polka Dot Tee - H&M
Striped Skirt - H&M
Necklace - Accessorize
Fur Stole - H&M
Boots - ASOS
Bag - Charity Shop

Me and my girls went charity shop shopping the other day in our favourite village for vintage swag - Harpenden. If you've ever heard of it, try going there! There's an awful lot of old ladies that seem to donate to the charity shops there and, well, they are pretty well off around there, so there's some good stuff sometimes! I wore a very, erm, well, un-old-lady-y outfit for the occasion, a nice short skirt and leather jacket! I love adding in some vintagey details like the bag and faux fur, just for funnies.
Where do you find are the best places to charity shop? I love cheap and cheerful ones with some secret vintage goods, that the volunteers don't really understand the value of. It's great!

...Lozwold xxx

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Sunshine Snow

Yellow Coat - Charity Shop
Black vest - H&M
Navy Dragonfly Skirt - ASOS
Furry Stole - H&M
Satchel Bag - Charity Shop
Necklace - Charity Shop
Hat - Accessorize
Shoes - Debanhams Red Herring

It had been a snowy, snowy few days recently, so once it had quite finished, I decided to venture out in the brightest thing I could find! This coat brightens up any outfit, and I think I'm a little in love with it! I decided to keep it simple underneath with tones of navy and black, then adding in touches of gold with my necklace, shoes and bag clasps. The coat unfortunately has a round neck with no collar, which I am not usually a fan of, so I have added on a sort of fake collar with my faux fur stole. It always seems to give an outfit a bit of a vintage touch. I wore this around town all day and I got quite a lot of glances for wearing such a bold colour.

...Lozwold xxx